life is but a dream...

From one British institution to another. At 16:35pm on Sunday afternoon, the crews will be lining up on the river Thames for the start of the 152nd Boat Race between Oxford and Cambridge Universities. There will be one cox and 8 oarsmen in each boat (coincidentally including Paul Daniels... not the same one, I'm guessing), around 250,000 spectators crammed along the river banks between Putney and Mortlake, and a television audience estimated to be around half a billion people. Let's not get into the debate about what constitutes a billion again - let's just agree that it's a hell of a lot of people to be watching an amateur race.
This is an event with quite a history: the first one took place in 1829, and it has taken place every year since 1856 (except during the First and Second World Wars). That's older than many nations. You might also be interested to know that, amongst the many other famous names to have taken part in the race, Hugh Laurie - Dr House himself - rowed for Cambridge in the 1980 race.
Do I like it? No. I think it's overrated, over-publicised and overhyped and I despise it. Don't get me wrong... I think it's an incredible physical achievement to row 4 miles and 374 yards, and you only have to look at the crews at the end of the race to understand how much effort they put into it.... It's just I hate everything around it. It's not that I don't like rowing either: I was present when the British Men's coxless four won the gold medal at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens and it was one of the greatest sporting events I have ever been lucky enough to see. You wouldn't catch me dead at the boatrace though. There's something about the people that do go (and I know that this is a massive generalisation) that really sets my teeth on edge. Hooray Henrys with lots of champagne and little or no interest in sport. You also see them at Twickenham for the rugby and at Lords for the cricket, but somehow it's at the boatrace that it bothers me the most. I also totally fail to understand why millions of people with no connection with either Oxford or Cambridge will happily sit and watch it, or why the coverage of a race that lasts about twenty minutes needs coverage lasting several hours.
I was going to make a point about how the majority of the crews will be foreign international rowers "studying" a variety of dubious one year courses but actually imported especially to row in this race ... but then I saw that Thomas Edwards - the Cambridge President - is studying for a PhD in Medical Genetics, focusing on the role of intercellular membrane trafficking in motor neuron degeneration.... so maybe I'll keep that particular thought to myself.
Still. I don't like it, I don't care who wins and I won't be watching it. So there.
If you like it.... enjoy..... and perhaps you'd care to explain the attraction, and who you'll be cheering for and why.
At 1:13 am,
-L said…
You were present at the '04 Summer Games, ST?! Do tell!
At 3:05 am,
Charlie said…
heh, "British men's coxless four" is much funnier to say than it is to read.
At 9:45 am,
LB said…
I hate the Boat Race as well. It's the most boring and pointless sports event of the year after the Tour de France.
Dull dull dull.
At 10:16 am,
swisslet said…
steady now. I like the tour de france.
At 12:20 pm,
Stef said…
The Tour de France is one of the greatest physical achievements on earth! How they manage to take that huge quantity of performance enhancing drugs for such a long period of time I'll never know! ;-)
The TdF is an amazing sporting achievement but I agree, it is a bit dull to watch. Mind you surely the point of all sport is to do it, not watch it.
As for the boat race... Who gives a toss? It would be nice though if Thomas Edward spent a bit less time rowing and a bit more time trying to find a cure for degenerative nervous conditions.
At 3:46 pm,
John McClure said…
I quite like it, but not in the sense that I want to see it every week. I suppose I like it more for what it heralds - it's spring, the Masters is on next week, the Grand National is coming up, it's really not THAT long until the Crucible etc.
As for picking a side to support - Oxford, clearly. Everyone I know from Cambridge is a complete oik.
At 5:19 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
So I could watch it on telly? Of course, I will be a zombie, so it would probably not matter what I watched or did that day.
Personally, I have got to admit I find golf of any kind the most boring sport to watch.
At 10:06 am,
Poll Star said…
Thank you Mr McClure; I much prefer before called an oik to the misgiuded posh references.
Speaking as someone who ought to have an allegiance, I can tell you that it is quite possible to go to Cambridge and still not give a rat's arse. Unfailingly the most boring people I have ever were rowers at Cambridge-I suspect Oxford were as bad. Who goes to University to get up 5 a.m., go on a 6 week long drinking ban for the privilege of rowing in the college 3rd boat? When the competition consists of 4 races over 4 days all term. It's bollocks.
Against my better judgement, I was persuaded to go to the boat race one year. We crammed onto some bridge, craned to get a glimpse as the boats passed; 10 minutes later heard someone won (it may have been us, I really couldn't say); and you couldn't get near a bar to find a drink. Oh, and I had to go London for the priviledge. Utter toss. Not my idea of sport or a day out.
The only good thing that has ever happened in the Boat Race was when Cambridge sank in 1978: despite the fact the boat is clearly going down, you see them carry on rowing! They're such automatons, they don't know how to adjust to the slight change in circumstances. It probably made them sink even faster. Also at a whopping no 79 in Channel 4's top 100 sporting moments (beating Cathy Freeman, Don Bradman, Arthur Ashe, Shane Warne and Ricky Villa). Priceless.
At 9:15 pm,
Flash said…
Boat race? *yawns*
At 10:50 pm,
Ali said…
I gambled with the boyf - if Oxford won, he had to make me two cups of tea in a row. It was a most satisfying result by anyones standards.
At 6:23 pm,
John McClure said…
You know, if you hadn't brought it up, I don't think I'd have bothered watching it, but because I'd been thinking about it, I did.
I enjoyed it, too. I particularly enjoyed the Oxford cox unleashing a volley of vehement swearing about what he wanted his boys to do to the Surrey Bend just as ITV cut to cox-cam.
On the downside, as they interviewed people beforehand, I did think they just about summed up everything I don't like about living here (which isn't much, but is fairly well encapsulated in people called Tarquin reading classics and the history of medieval madrigals in between weekends of nipping home to Berkshire to watch his father lead the hunt).
At 5:05 am,
Anonymous said…
I'd watch it, and back one of the sides just to wind you up to be honest mate....
...its really simply, if you dont like it, change channels.....theres more than four of them now so it shouldnt be that hard to find something good on the 'Ocho', truck racing on Eurosport or something.
not to add oil to the fire, but TdF is 'quite' boring...and dont even start me on golf...
Right. Back to the Great Outdoor Games no ESPN for me
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