Because he’ll never, never, never, never, never, never do it again (not until the next time)
This blog would like to interrupt normal transmissions to issue an apology to all readers.
It has come to my attention that the level of swearing in the last few posts has been unacceptably high. I really don't know what's come over me. I offer no excuses, but can only seek your forgiveness and forbearance on this matter.
I've been trying to hide what a foul, potty-mouthed little urchin I really am for months now, too.
Then I go and ruin it all with a few incautious words.
It has come to my attention that the level of swearing in the last few posts has been unacceptably high. I really don't know what's come over me. I offer no excuses, but can only seek your forgiveness and forbearance on this matter.
I've been trying to hide what a foul, potty-mouthed little urchin I really am for months now, too.
Then I go and ruin it all with a few incautious words.
At 10:26 pm,
Mark said…
fuck that, keep up the bloody swearing
At 10:42 pm,
LB said…
To lift a phrase from Mr Flash:
"fuck cuntybollocks shit trampwank".
You try getting that message across in non swear words. It just doesnt work, does it?
There's no substitute for a decent swearword in an awful lot of scenarios. Particularly "bollocks", I find.
At 10:43 pm,
Damo said…
Gosh darn it. Flipsticks. Drat.
Ah, what the hell. Full on swearing it is...
That told you.
At 11:25 pm,
Tom said…
I've been meaning to comment on that because it really is fucking unacceptable.
At 11:50 pm,
Robin said…
Flipsticks! LOL
At 11:51 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
What's so amusing is that some of those words which you brits curse with (bollocks and wanker being prime examples), seem somehow more dignified in the US, than the more common ones here (prick and cocksucker being analogous examples).
At 11:59 pm,
Graham said…
fuck fuck fuckety fuck fuck fuck.
Yes, it is big and clever. but on the other hand, im always reminded of the university lecture when i was informed that swearing acted as an emotional intensifier, and thus was perfectly legitmate to use. Aha, the joys of going to one of britains crappier polytechnics.
At 3:19 am,
Anonymous said…
At 5:56 am,
Aravis said…
Damn, did you swear? I didn't notice. I mean really. This shit just really fucking pisses me off.
Like spinsterwitch, I had to smile. Your swears over there never strike me as swears, and I really had to stop and think for a moment when I read your post ST, because I simply couldn't think of anything you'd written that might be inappropriate! *G*
At 9:33 am,
John McClure said…
One weekend chez Mac and you've turned into Bernard Manning.
At 10:07 am,
Damo said…
If I ever turn into Bernard Manning personally, ask her for my address, come round and shoot me.
I'm glad I made someone laugh with 'flipsticks', though.
At 11:11 am,
Michael said…
I never noticed. Besides, I can be about as foul mouthed and innappropriate as they come.
It's a gift.
At 2:41 pm,
An Extraordinary woman in a mediocre life said…
what the fuck? swearing? what fucking swearing? I never noticed any bastard swearing....
At 2:44 pm,
Mike Davis said…
Swear in French to avoid upsetting too many people. It works for me.
At 4:34 pm,
LB said…
I tried a stream of sweary abuse in French once, and I ended up upsetting an awful lot of people in the Eiffel Tower lift.
where do we stand on the word "twat"? I use it fairly liberally as a stronger version of "twit", but I know other people who consider it akin to the "c" word and wouldn't entertain using it in polite company.
At 5:27 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
Twat definitely has different connotations than cunt, I think. Twat seems somehow more affectionate. (Where do these impressions come from, I wonder?!)
At 9:49 pm,
Aravis said…
"Twat" isn't as offensive as the "c" word, but refers to the same anatomical part.
At 9:26 am,
Di Gallagher said…
Those fucking cunts. How dare anyone give you piss about your god damn fucking language. Fuck me.
At 10:50 am,
Flash said…
I like Cuntybollocks.
At 5:07 pm,
swisslet said…
flash - that sounds less like swearing than a sexual preference !
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