52% intelligent. 9% modest. More monkey than bear.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

gonna end up a big old pile of them bones....

How many times in your life will you specifically need the third finger on your left hand? In conjunction with the other digits, I suppose it's useful enough, but you'd imagine that - at a pinch, and if you really had to - you could manage without it.....

....unless you were getting married in the next few weeks.

Any other time in my life, damaging your ring finger would be annoying and perhaps a touch inconvenient, but it would be something that could be shrugged off and quickly forgotten about. This is more or less exactly what I did in 1991 when I dislocated this finger at the second joint whilst playing rugby. It hurt. It swelled up. I had to strap it up for a few weeks. The joint warped a bit. That was about it. No big deal.

Fast forward 15 years, and I pinged the same joint whilst playing basketball with the Ultimate Olympian at the very end of March. I had a small sense of deja-vu as the joint swelled up and I had to strap my poor finger up, but I wasn't especially worried about it.

Fast forward a month, and the bruising had gone down but the joint itself remained painful and swollen, and - with the benefit of 20:20 hindsight - perhaps I can now admit that taking that stint in goal at football a couple of weeks ago wasn't the smartest of ideas.... I'm rubbish in goals on the whole, but on this occasion I was pulling off some very unlikely reflex saves, mainly with my left hand. I initially felt pretty pleased with myself, but by the end of the game, it was also fairly clear that I was finally going to have to go to the doctor to get this damn finger checked out.

I went last Tuesday and the doctor immediately sent me off for an X-ray and told me to immobilise the finger by strapping it to my middle finger.

I got the x-ray results today.

I've broken my finger.

I don't know yet if it's a clean fracture or if a splinter of bone has broken off and gone through the joint... but 5 or 6 weeks after the original injury, it should have mostly cleared up by now, and obviously it hasn't. I may yet have to take the Frodo Baggins approach and wear the Ring of Power on a chain round my neck for a bit before I can cast it into Mount Doom wear it on my finger.


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  • At 9:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    One day at a time...perhaps it will magically clear up before you need it :)

  • At 9:17 pm, Blogger Cat said…

    Breaking stuff is very much en vogue at the moment. My friend M has also broken her finger, and my mum's fractured two ribs, tripping over wearing unsuitable shoes. You're in good company.

  • At 10:54 pm, Blogger Michael said…

    I've never been so excited about a post just by the title...

    Alice In Chains, how I miss thee...

    Good luck with the finger though.

  • At 11:40 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ive had joints pop out in rugby, or jarred whilst playing basketball, but they've usually cheared up by a few weeks.

    How annoying is it that the timing coincided with your wedding.. Sod's Law eh?

  • At 5:23 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You could always wear the ring on your right hand for the time being? That would be very... Russian I think it is? *shrugs*

    Of course, having it heal before the wedding would be by far the better option.


  • At 7:09 am, Blogger Stef said…

    If that happened in a drama or a soap opera I'd go 'yeah right' but... As long as the ring fits on the right hand though, I guess no real biggie. Quite a lot of countries -including Norway - use the right hand for wedding rings.

    Hope it gets well soon.


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