Is it any wonder you are too cool to fool...?
I've been using Blog Explosion recently:
It certainly drives traffic to your site, but I have to say I'm sceptical about the **quality** of that traffic (no offence if that's what brought you here)
I'm philosophical about this for a couple of reasons:
1) I don't write this blog especially for an audience - I write it primarily for myself. I HOPE other people like it, but that's not why I do it.
2) I have found some really interesting blogs whilst surfing for credits (and a lot of other ones too...)
It's bloody addictive too.
It certainly drives traffic to your site, but I have to say I'm sceptical about the **quality** of that traffic (no offence if that's what brought you here)
I'm philosophical about this for a couple of reasons:
1) I don't write this blog especially for an audience - I write it primarily for myself. I HOPE other people like it, but that's not why I do it.
2) I have found some really interesting blogs whilst surfing for credits (and a lot of other ones too...)
It's bloody addictive too.
At 9:10 am,
The Num Num said…
I quite like the Next Blog button on blogspot. I've found a few gooduns.
As for quality, remember a lot of republicans use the internet. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but its just worth bearing in mind?
Tried to access the Bush website recently? Its blocked to non-US sites. Why?
At 9:26 am,
Anonymous said…
Last time I tried the "Next Blog" button I found myself looking at a blog by a teenage girl in Singapore who was obsessed with some bloke and just filled every post with minute details about how many times she'd seen him that day and how she wanted him to phone her. From what she was writing it appears a) she spent most of her time following him around and watching him, and b) he didn't want to have anything to do with her. It didn't seem to occur to her that it was probably because she's a proper psycho.
At 9:27 am,
Teresa Bowman said…
That was me posting a comment just then, by the way. I clicked the "Posting As: Anonymous" button by mistake. D'oh.
At 9:46 am,
LB said…
iF I geT bORed at WOrK I quItE ofTen CliCK tHe "nExt BLoG" bUttON anD hAVE fOUnD tHaT eVErY oTHeR bLoG is WriTTen In thiS BizaRRe miXeD uPpEr AnD loWEr CaSe wrItIng in HigHlY abBRevIaTEd EngLish.
And they all like sparkly things, as well.
At 9:47 am,
LB said…
iF I geT bORed at WOrK I quItE ofTen CliCK tHe "nExt BLoG" bUttON anD hAVE fOUnD tHaT eVErY oTHeR bLoG is WriTTen In thiS BizaRRe miXeD uPpEr AnD loWEr CaSe wrItIng in HigHlY abBRevIaTEd EngLish.
And they all like sparkly things, as well.
At 1:41 pm,
Me said…
I've gone for the explosion doofer. Not entirely sure what it all means, but I'm sure I'll find out. Glad to have added to your credits, anyway. Whatever that means.
At 4:18 pm,
The Num Num said…
I too have n0tIcD tHsE postings. What is odd, is that it takes longer to type using that format than entirely in lowercase. Must be an Asian Thing?
At 10:24 pm,
Anonymous said…
I'm a bit skeptical about the quality of the traffic, too, in a roundabout way -- most of the blogs that I've commented on have led psychos to find me and try to rip streaks out of me for blogging about my personal life.
Fucking batshit nuts.
At 11:54 am,
Damo said…
Desperate to see Bush's site? Here 'tis:
Could be a bit slow. I think lots of naughty people are doing 'denial of service' attacks...
At 2:32 pm,
backroads said…
Got here via blogexplosion... first site i didn't get trigger happy well before 30 seconds was up.
At 3:11 pm,
Kate said…
I came via blog explosion and you're so right. It's as addictive as coffee.
At 3:55 pm,
Anonymous said…
hey.. i use Blogexplosion too! ^^
and 'bout tYpInG lIkE tHiS.. i think its stupid.. its mostly young, stupid, love-crazy, asian girls that do that.. like that Singaporean girl someone was talking about.. makes me ashamed to be a Singaporean too.. ppl prolly thinks we are psychos..
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