I'm a bull, not a bear
We went to the pub quiz again this evening.
We did so badly that I don't really want to talk about it.
Looking on the brightside though, I suppose the evening wasn't a total write-off - we did win the prize for the best team name. A whole £6 of beer vouchers. And how did we achieve this remarkable feat? Team names in this quiz are always based around something topical from the news, with the funniest team name winning a prize. The theme this week was the couple from Sneinton (a rather crappy area of Nottingham) who won £10m on the Lottery and still live in a council house.
Our team name? "Burberry Bog Paper".
Thank you very much. I'll be here all week.
what's your favourite pub quiz team ever? I think mine is "General Dodonna & the Rebel Alliance", but it's a bit geeky, so let's not dwell on it, eh?
We did so badly that I don't really want to talk about it.
Looking on the brightside though, I suppose the evening wasn't a total write-off - we did win the prize for the best team name. A whole £6 of beer vouchers. And how did we achieve this remarkable feat? Team names in this quiz are always based around something topical from the news, with the funniest team name winning a prize. The theme this week was the couple from Sneinton (a rather crappy area of Nottingham) who won £10m on the Lottery and still live in a council house.
Our team name? "Burberry Bog Paper".
Thank you very much. I'll be here all week.
what's your favourite pub quiz team ever? I think mine is "General Dodonna & the Rebel Alliance", but it's a bit geeky, so let's not dwell on it, eh?
At 12:55 am,
HistoryGeek said…
I have to admit, I have never been privy to a pub quiz...this seems to be a much more British phenomenon.
The last British pub I was at here in the US, they had baseball playing on the telly. Blasphemy!
At 8:55 am,
Tom said…
Christians In Search Of Filth.
Ghandi UXB (Just after he was blown up.)
Princess Anne Rides Again (Just after she got married for the 2nd time.)
In Praise Of David Icke!
I've not been to a pub quiz in years. Happy times.
At 10:20 am,
Anonymous said…
BCM had a team (once) called the Big Cheezy Muffins (geddit).
At 2:30 pm,
Jenni said…
Er...what spin said, as I too have never participated in a pub quiz. Although the law school did compete with the med school in a thing called "bar trivia" which seems similar...
At 3:15 pm,
Teresa Bowman said…
Cap'n Damo and I used to be in a team for a pop music pub quiz.
In the week that Jeff Buckley died, we called ourselves "Jeff Buckley's Life Raft". In the week Gary Glitter got sent to prison, we were "Do You Want To Be In My Gang, Little Boy?".
At 3:42 pm,
Flash said…
Reckless & Dream Girl used to live in Sneinton for a mercifully short time, it's well ropey!
And I once had a fantasy football team called:
AC alittlesilohuettoofaman
At 5:46 pm,
adem said…
The team name always seems to be the last thing to think of and generally involves some form of mild swearing...how mature.
At 12:01 am,
bytheseashore said…
No team name from me, but your Sneinton-themed one reminds me of something I heard on Radio Trent a couple of years ago. Jo & Twiggy went through a phase of playing songs by 'Nottingham artists' like 'Torn' by 'Natalie in Bilborough' (which still makes me laugh more than it should). There were quite a few, but the only other one I can remember is Rick Aspley.
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