52% intelligent. 9% modest. More monkey than bear.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

next door is only a footstep away...

Right. The handwriting analysis is now in (and it's really, really scarily accurate in a couple of cases). I'll probably be putting it all up on Tuesday or Wednesday, if that's alright with you lot.

In the meantime, I'm off to see Dr. Karl Kennedy tonight and Franz Ferdinand tomorrow. Somewhere in between that and work, I need to concentrate on getting my NaNoWriMo novel finished in time for midnight on Wednesday... 47,369 at the moment...

"I can't manouevre!"
"Stay on target...."
"We're too close!"
"Stay on target.... "
"Loosen up!"

I've lost Tiree and I've lost Dutch, but the end is finally in sight.


  • At 10:16 pm, Blogger Flash said…

    I'm looking forward to the handwriting malarkey.

    Oh & I saw your French twin whilst dining this evening!
    Fancy that!

  • At 11:58 pm, Blogger Mark said…

    you've switched off your targeting computer, whats wrong?

  • At 12:10 am, Blogger HistoryGeek said…

    Go, ST! I'm so glad that we have a good showing of winners in our little group...

    And I'm pretty excited about the handwriting fun, too.

  • At 12:21 am, Blogger LB said…

    8000 f*cking words to go.

    I am going to start copying recipes out of books god damn it, just to get there....

  • At 12:27 am, Blogger bytheseashore said…

    Very, very well done but, you know, size matters not...


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