bruises that won't heal...
We live in a rude and ignorant world.
Man’s ongoing inhumanity to man is most obviously demonstrated in the needless deaths from war, poverty and disease, but you can also catch glimpses of it in almost every interaction we have with each other. Every day is a death by a thousand cuts; a missed ‘please’ or ‘thank you’ here, a gesticulation there. It all adds up.
After I get into the office every day, my first stop – before I’ve even taken off my coat or booted up my laptop – is to buy a proper cup of coffee. The ladies who work behind the counter are a friendly bunch, and it’s quite nice to say hello to them and have a little bit of banter as they prepare my tall americano. They always ask how I am and if I had a good weekend and so on, and I always join in. It’s only small talk, but there’s no harm in that. This morning there was someone in the queue in front of me. When they reached the counter they waved a paper bag at the lady behind the till and barked “BAGEL” at them. They paid and left without another word.
Is it irrational that this has annoyed me? I’ve always believed that good manners don’t cost you anything. No matter how much of a hurry you might be in to get back to your desk, no matter how tired you are or how much of a headache you’ve got, I cannot believe that you are incapable of a quick smile and a quick ‘thank you’. It costs you nothing. It doesn’t take more than a second or two. It’s not hard, is it? Apart from anything else I think it is important to acknowledge the person you are addressing as a human being and not as a piece of shit.
It’s for similar reasons that I say ‘thank you’ to the cleaner who empties my bin when I’m working at my desk, why I hold doors open for people (of both sexes), why I let buses pull out…that kind of thing. I’m not expecting gratitude, and I know I’m not perfect; I’m just trying to show a bit of consideration.
Little by little, day-by-day, we are being dehumanised by the casual rudeness of the ignorant and inconsiderate masses, and I for one am not going to take it anymore. It’s time to strike back, and I call on you all to join me in a “coalition of the willing” to kick back against this insidious trend.
Here’s what we’re going to do: we’re going to smile more.
Let me explain:
Have you ever had a stranger flash you a really warm, genuine smile? Feels great, doesn’t it? Puts a real spring in your step. Well that’s what we should do. We should smile at people. Not so much that you scare everyone, but if you make eye contact with someone in the course of your day, flash them a smile and move on. Maybe that way we can put a bit of positive energy back into the mixer.
Who’s with me?
I've just remembered that one of the reasons I started thinking about this in the first place was that I was called a "faggot" on Saturday afternoon. It happened whilst I was walking in the town centre with my girlfriend, and the abuse came from two scruffy looking blokes sheltering from the rain in a doorway. I think it came because I was wearing a light blue scarf. Clearly a smile there wasn't going to achieve very much, but it annoyed me that they felt they had the right to toss out abuse at the people walking past instead of keeping their thoughts to themselves. It's made me determined to do something that might just brighten someone's day a little instead of dragging them down just a bit further into the mire.
Man’s ongoing inhumanity to man is most obviously demonstrated in the needless deaths from war, poverty and disease, but you can also catch glimpses of it in almost every interaction we have with each other. Every day is a death by a thousand cuts; a missed ‘please’ or ‘thank you’ here, a gesticulation there. It all adds up.
After I get into the office every day, my first stop – before I’ve even taken off my coat or booted up my laptop – is to buy a proper cup of coffee. The ladies who work behind the counter are a friendly bunch, and it’s quite nice to say hello to them and have a little bit of banter as they prepare my tall americano. They always ask how I am and if I had a good weekend and so on, and I always join in. It’s only small talk, but there’s no harm in that. This morning there was someone in the queue in front of me. When they reached the counter they waved a paper bag at the lady behind the till and barked “BAGEL” at them. They paid and left without another word.
Is it irrational that this has annoyed me? I’ve always believed that good manners don’t cost you anything. No matter how much of a hurry you might be in to get back to your desk, no matter how tired you are or how much of a headache you’ve got, I cannot believe that you are incapable of a quick smile and a quick ‘thank you’. It costs you nothing. It doesn’t take more than a second or two. It’s not hard, is it? Apart from anything else I think it is important to acknowledge the person you are addressing as a human being and not as a piece of shit.
It’s for similar reasons that I say ‘thank you’ to the cleaner who empties my bin when I’m working at my desk, why I hold doors open for people (of both sexes), why I let buses pull out…that kind of thing. I’m not expecting gratitude, and I know I’m not perfect; I’m just trying to show a bit of consideration.
Little by little, day-by-day, we are being dehumanised by the casual rudeness of the ignorant and inconsiderate masses, and I for one am not going to take it anymore. It’s time to strike back, and I call on you all to join me in a “coalition of the willing” to kick back against this insidious trend.
Here’s what we’re going to do: we’re going to smile more.
Let me explain:
Have you ever had a stranger flash you a really warm, genuine smile? Feels great, doesn’t it? Puts a real spring in your step. Well that’s what we should do. We should smile at people. Not so much that you scare everyone, but if you make eye contact with someone in the course of your day, flash them a smile and move on. Maybe that way we can put a bit of positive energy back into the mixer.
Who’s with me?
I've just remembered that one of the reasons I started thinking about this in the first place was that I was called a "faggot" on Saturday afternoon. It happened whilst I was walking in the town centre with my girlfriend, and the abuse came from two scruffy looking blokes sheltering from the rain in a doorway. I think it came because I was wearing a light blue scarf. Clearly a smile there wasn't going to achieve very much, but it annoyed me that they felt they had the right to toss out abuse at the people walking past instead of keeping their thoughts to themselves. It's made me determined to do something that might just brighten someone's day a little instead of dragging them down just a bit further into the mire.
At 8:12 pm,
adem said…
I'm up for smiling!!!! Count me in.
At 8:20 pm,
Aravis said…
I already do, so count me in. :0)
At 10:56 pm,
Pynchon said…
I smile a lot. Or is that grimace? I don't know.
At 3:18 am,
Hyde said…
Hmmm... I usually don't smile much as a I move about time. I'm more of a "brooder" when I get lost in my thoughts. But I am very big on the "please" and "thank you's," and I agree that manners matter. I hate when people have such a sense of entitlement to walk all over those around them...
At 3:19 am,
Hyde said…
Sorry... move about "town." Can you tell I'm tired over here?
At 8:46 am,
Ali said…
Smiling is my default setting - I will try an extra watt or two and report back on any effects.
At 9:38 am,
Stef said…
I'm very big on opening doors, saying thank you, letting people cross the road when I'm driving... Perhaps I'll try the smile too.
When I worked in a shop many, many moons ago there were a few people who'd just say "B&H" or "Matches", a bit like your bagel guy. I just used to reply "Yes they are. Can I help you?"
I can't believe someone called you a faggot for wearing a blue scarf. Maybe you should have called back "sausage" or "haggis" some other offal based food-stuff.
At 3:24 pm,
-L said…
ST, I am totally with you and agreed with every sentiment of your blog. I will join the Smiling Coalition. It's often the little things that tremendously impact each of our days, after all.
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
At 4:40 pm,
old enough to moan said…
I thought I was the only one still alive that smiled, said thank you to the person emptying my bin, let pedestrians pass etc.
I am already on the campaign trail.
Wouldnt it be nice if we knew who the Bagle man was and followed him around for a day just to overload him with niesties, that should really feck him up.
At 5:28 pm,
Jenni said…
You have such a great attitude, ST. I almost always would wholeheartedly agree with you. Unfortunately, these people get the best of me every once in a while and I turn into Joe Fox from You've Got Mail with a nasty one-liner in response to their rudeness, which I of course later regret.
At 6:13 pm,
swisslet said…
Jenni - thanks, but I wonder if I'm giving you the right impression of me. I'm far from being phlegmatic, I reckon. Actually I'm a really whiney, moany old tosser. Ask Lord B....!
At 8:51 pm,
Flash said…
I'm in!
And we have to have The Supernaturals' "Smile" as a theme song, ok?
At 10:19 pm,
LB said…
if you start grinning randomly at the chavs in central Nottingham, you'll last about five minutes I reckon. A light blue scarf will be the least of your worries...
At 3:35 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
I always try to smile and say thank you to people.
And since when did light blue come to indicate sexual preference?
At 4:59 pm,
No said…
I'm working in a shop and already noticed that smiling genuinely to clients and having some small talk with them make them happy (most of the time) and makes our day better too.
I'm always surprised to see how easy it is to *make a link* (sort of) with strangers, just with a smile or with a nice word.
I think tho that it's easier when you're working in shops or with people.
At 9:36 pm,
thephoenixnyc said…
I learned some time ago that the best way to get what you want or to be treated the way you would like is by dropping all desire or expectations of recieving said desires or treatment and just start giving them away instead.
At 9:41 pm,
Alecya G said…
I cant think of anyone who doesnt love a genuine smile. And its fun to smile, too, if you're in practice. As for the name callers, let it go. People can be ignorant and hatful. Take a moment to be grateful you arent one of them, and smile.
At 9:52 pm,
Ali said…
Yesterday I tried your advice. I came to realise that while I smile all the time, I have developed a habit since living in London of so actively avoiding eye contact, that it was virtually impossible to actually smile AT someone.
I could only get around the wierdness bya ccompanying the smile with additional chit chat - and this is how I fared:
Smiled and thanked the bus driver. He did a double take.
Pet Shop - Man looking at goldfish. Had brief conversation with him about the sort of tank he was planning to buy and how beautiful the browny bronze ones were. Result: man looked at me as though afraid of me. Was extra friendly to men behind till.
Sainsbury's - said hello to homeless man who sits outside. He asked me for some money. I very smilingly told him I would see when I came out. Sad to say I left from the other exit, having completely forgotten. Will make it up to him next time. However, chit chat not wasted, as I left another person took their cue and said 'hello, how are you?' to him.
Raised eyebrows and smiled at man trying to put his sliced loaf into bag. He blushed at unmeant overtones.
Made till assistant laugh with quip about saving up my Nectar points to blow them at Christmas on a KitKat. She laughed extremely hard, which goes to show that comedy must be thin on the ground in supermarkets.
had long chinwag with minicab driver on way home - he is well known to me, and always helps me carry my shopping to the door. When I said 'Well done for remembering where I live!' he remarked 'It's easy to remember you, because you're always laughing'.
Will continue with program and report back on any exceptional outcomes.
At 6:19 pm,
Me said…
Yes, you're quite right about smiling and that. But I can understand the scruffy chaps. A light blue scarf? What were you thinking?!
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