can you squeeze me into an empty page of your diary?
Right, I've got three things for your attention today. Ready?
1) Some links for your attention
I have a couple of blogs that demand your immediate attention:
Sweeping The Nation ---> this is an excellent music blog in its own right, but they have just started a feature called "Songs to Learn And Sing". Every day in November, a different writer will recommend a song that they think everyone should hear. Each article will be accompanied by a link to the song in question, so you can listen and judge for yourself. They've started with their own write up of David Ackles - Waiting for the Moving Van. If you stick with it for a bit though (and it is surely worth a look every day, isn't it? It's a great idea) you may get to see pieces by some bloggers you are more familiar with. Yes, that does mean I will be featured at some point this month.
TheAuditorium --> bedshaped from Some Guy On A Journey has started a blog
"Like music? Yeah, so do we.
This place was created to speak about music. About it's ups and downs, about it's performance and trajectory, about it's peaks and it's ultimate downfalls. Anybody can contribute in the comments sections. And we'd welcome other people's reviews, opinions and just general disgust at what we've just written. It's all about communication people.
We want to hear about other people's interpretation of songs we know. We want to be introduced to new songs that we've never heard before.
We thought maybe other people might like that too."
The idea is to have a number of contributers and lots of readers, but you really need to get your arses over there because Cat has just written something about the Killers, and I've lost my temper with Oasis.
Go lookee.
2) An update from Brian
For reasons that I won't go into now (ask Lizzy), I have officially decided to call my brain by the name of Brian.
I had my last session with the hynotherapist this evening. I think that's six or seven in total, each one lasting about an hour. I have to confess that I'm not entirely convinced that he managed to put me in a trance. I put the little headphones on, listened to the soothing music and the hynpnotherapist's best 'soothing' voice, but I never really felt that I was under. There was always a part ofmy brain Brian that was trying not to laugh at the whole thing.
Still, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and I think it might just have worked. In the last week or so I have noticed definite improvement. Whether or not this is down to the hypnotist, I don't know - and frankly I don't care.
3) And now if you'll excuse me.....
....I'm going to disappear. Somewhat to my surprise, and in spite of the fact that I wasn't going to be taking part this year, I appear to be a little over 3,000 words into my novel for NaNoWriMo 2006.
No, I'm not sure how this happened either. All I know is that I woke up this morning with a first line in my head and it's gone from there.
The first line in question?
"“I fucking hate this job” thought Gwilym mildly as he sat back in his moulded plastic seat and took another leisurely drag on his cigarette"
....and you thought I'd written my autobiography last year?
This one's going to have magic in it.
So there.
That's all. Novel novel novel. Pizza. Novel. Bed.
Night all.
Right, I've got three things for your attention today. Ready?
1) Some links for your attention
I have a couple of blogs that demand your immediate attention:
Sweeping The Nation ---> this is an excellent music blog in its own right, but they have just started a feature called "Songs to Learn And Sing". Every day in November, a different writer will recommend a song that they think everyone should hear. Each article will be accompanied by a link to the song in question, so you can listen and judge for yourself. They've started with their own write up of David Ackles - Waiting for the Moving Van. If you stick with it for a bit though (and it is surely worth a look every day, isn't it? It's a great idea) you may get to see pieces by some bloggers you are more familiar with. Yes, that does mean I will be featured at some point this month.
TheAuditorium --> bedshaped from Some Guy On A Journey has started a blog
"Like music? Yeah, so do we.
This place was created to speak about music. About it's ups and downs, about it's performance and trajectory, about it's peaks and it's ultimate downfalls. Anybody can contribute in the comments sections. And we'd welcome other people's reviews, opinions and just general disgust at what we've just written. It's all about communication people.
We want to hear about other people's interpretation of songs we know. We want to be introduced to new songs that we've never heard before.
We thought maybe other people might like that too."
The idea is to have a number of contributers and lots of readers, but you really need to get your arses over there because Cat has just written something about the Killers, and I've lost my temper with Oasis.
Go lookee.
2) An update from Brian
For reasons that I won't go into now (ask Lizzy), I have officially decided to call my brain by the name of Brian.
I had my last session with the hynotherapist this evening. I think that's six or seven in total, each one lasting about an hour. I have to confess that I'm not entirely convinced that he managed to put me in a trance. I put the little headphones on, listened to the soothing music and the hynpnotherapist's best 'soothing' voice, but I never really felt that I was under. There was always a part of
Still, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and I think it might just have worked. In the last week or so I have noticed definite improvement. Whether or not this is down to the hypnotist, I don't know - and frankly I don't care.
3) And now if you'll excuse me.....
....I'm going to disappear. Somewhat to my surprise, and in spite of the fact that I wasn't going to be taking part this year, I appear to be a little over 3,000 words into my novel for NaNoWriMo 2006.
No, I'm not sure how this happened either. All I know is that I woke up this morning with a first line in my head and it's gone from there.
The first line in question?
"“I fucking hate this job” thought Gwilym mildly as he sat back in his moulded plastic seat and took another leisurely drag on his cigarette"
....and you thought I'd written my autobiography last year?
This one's going to have magic in it.
So there.
That's all. Novel novel novel. Pizza. Novel. Bed.
Night all.
At 8:40 pm,
Cat said…
I love it when a post's titled with a line from one of my favourite songs!
Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better, long may it continue. Now I just need to master McKenna's tapping thing before I go for the blood letting tomorrow...
At 11:34 pm,
adem said…
I wrote a few rubbish lines very early this morning for NaNoWriMo and even now I'm not sure where it's going.
randomness calls
At 11:56 pm,
Ben said…
Moonlighting on another collaborative music blog? Tsk tsk. ;)
At 12:17 am,
ian said…
I'm not sure I trust anyone who chooses a Keane song as their monicker, but I'll give it a go.
At 5:52 am,
Aravis said…
Glad Brian's giving you a bit of a rest. You're going to need him for NaNo.
At 1:41 pm,
Martin said…
Good luck with the novel. I've decided to have a go this year but am well behind your word count. An evening in with the laptop and a bottle of wine calls, I think.
At 4:51 pm,
Mark said…
yes, Gwilym
At 6:32 pm,
Anonymous said…
I'm really happy to hear you're feeling a bit better, ST. :) You deserve it, kiddo!
At 8:30 pm,
Stef said…
You NaNoWriMo people are all bonkers! With the greatest of respect of course... ;-)
I'm far too anal to write in NaNoWriMo mode. While I can see that the target and the deadline push you on, I'd constantly be going back and tweaking my sentence structure and punctuation and coming up with nattier dialogue which would mean that I would fail. I hate losing :-(
Remember to give Brian a holiday. He's worth it! ;-)
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