It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of...

"You could say 'how does a guy who has written love songs his entire life suddenly decide to rock the boat?' I never was a political person in my life. I wrote songs during Vietnam, not about Vietnam. I was just writing love songs. Leading my own life in my own insulated world."
As if it couldn't get any weirder, he's collaborated with Dr Dre.
"It's very streety, as streety as I can make it," Bacharach said.
Dear Lord save us.
At 7:27 pm,
Michael said…
I've got quite the collection of odd combos (Tom Jones and the Cardigans; Lionel Richie and Rob Zombie; Wu-Tang Clan and System of a Down...)
Burt Bacharach with his beats laid out by Dr. Dre would definately be something I'd search out to add.
At 9:30 pm,
red one said…
I dunno, I reckon it might be worth a go. Bacharach is a top man for a tune at any rate. A bit of protest is always welcome, I reckon, and Dr Dre might give it some edge...
Sometimes a classic tune gets sampled years later for something - ahem - more "streety". This might be the same, but without the passage of time part.
I haven't heard it, but I'll be interested to have a listen.
At 10:36 pm,
Ali said…
I feel disoriented by this news. Off to lay down. When I return I hope to find I misread what you typed.
I must have taken too many painkillers.
At 11:01 pm,
swisslet said…
my inspiration for this post was that I actually had the pleasure of listening to Burt talking about this on Radio 2 on Friday night, followed by a couple of tracks..... it was terrible. Really, really awful. Well, to be fair to Mr. Bacharach, the music sounded very much like your typical bacharachian 70s groove, only the lyrics were absolutely gobshite. Normally Burt doesn't go in for this kind of thing (lyrics as well as politics), but apparently dubbya has pushed him too far and he's making a statement. You'll hear it and wish you hadn't. He seems genuinely amazed at the revelation that politicians lie to us. Now, he's heard of Vietnam right, only he chose to write about some bloke called "Alfie" and being some distance away from San Jose.... and *now* he gets all political and expects us to be as shocked as he is by his discoveries.
Hal David was the brains in that partnership, and no mistake.
At 11:44 pm,
Turners in the Country said…
"It's very streety, as streety as I can make it,"
That sentence is just wrong. Especially coming from the likes of BB. Ugh.
At 12:18 am,
swisslet said…
clm - so true. Although it should be said that although "it's very streety" says one thing, "as streety as I could make it" could be saying something quite different, especially when you consider that it's Burt Bacharach telling us this.
How street can it be?
At 9:24 am,
LB said…
Perhaps he'll just update and re-record some of his previous work.
"Twenty Four Hours From Basra" perhaps.
"Shrapnel Keeps Falling On My Head".
"I Just Don't Know What Do Do With Mosul"
(I am running out of Iraqi cities, now. I can't get Fallujah or Kirkuk into a song title...)
At 2:50 pm,
Jenni said…
LB, that cracked me up :) So either it was funny or I am way too tired to be heading to class in a few minutes.
At 7:01 pm,
swisslet said…
it's not a diss, Foxy. I love BB's stuff to bits. It's just that, well, I've heard some of this new stuff, and, um.... it seems a bit, er... misguided....
Have you heard any?
At 7:34 pm,
Michael said…
Agree on Dre being most talented producer of said genre today.
The man can turn a no talent hack like 50 cent into a megastar.
At 9:27 pm,
LB said…
50 Cent and Dre?
It's all the same rap/R&B nonsense to me.
*ducks from Dictionary of Hip Hop being hurled*
At 10:39 am,
Damo said…
>Actually, don't diss Dre either. He is quite possibly the best pop/hop producer on the earth.
I forgot about Dre...
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